If you already have a Wisconsin driver license or one of the other acceptable forms of photo ID for voting pictured below, then you're all set, go to Number Two!
If you do not have one of the photo IDs required to vote in Wisconsin (official, up-to-date information on photo ID from the Wisconsin Election Commission at Bring It to the Ballot), look up your school on the appropriate list linked below to see if your current student ID is an acceptable form of ID for voting.
If your student ID cannot be used for voting, you can find out if a separate school-issued photo ID card for voting is available and how to get one.
University of WI – 4-Year Schools
University of WI – 2-Year Schools
WI Private Universities and Colleges
WI Technical and Community Colleges
Not all public universities have student photo ID's that can be used to vote. And many of the private colleges in Wisconsin do have student photo IDs that can be used to vote. Each institution decides for itself. (If you see an error or have an update, please let us know and we will repost the resource with the corrections. Email:jheck@commoncause.org.)
If you don't have a WI driver license or one of the other acceptable IDs, know your options and look up your school today!
Note: you can use a school-issued ID for voting that is expired. If you do present an expired student ID, you must also present (or display electronically) at the polls a separate proof of enrollment document, such as an enrollment verification form, class schedule, or tuition bill.
For more information on Wisconsin's photo ID requirement to vote, visit: Bring It to the Ballot.

Even if you think you're already registered at your current address, confirm it!
You need to have lived at your current address for at least 28 days by Election Day in order to register to vote in that election district or ward.
To determine if/where you are registered, go to MyVote.WI.gov, select "Register to vote," and enter your name and date of birth. If you find out you're already registered to vote at your current address, jump down to Number Three...
If you're not already registered, there are several ways you can register to vote:
Online. Eligible voters in Wisconsin who have a valid Wisconsin driver license or a Wisconsin DMV-issued ID can now register online at MyVote.WI.gov up to 20 days before the election in which they are planning to vote.
By Mail. You can start your voter registration form online at MyVote.WI.gov – then print, sign and mail it to your municipal clerk along with a proof of residence (POR) document. Your form and POR must be received no later than 20 days before the election in which you are planning to vote.
In your Municipal Clerk’s Office. You can register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the 5pm (or close of business) on the Friday before the election in which you are planning to vote. You'll need to bring a proof of residence document to complete your registration (this document can be shown electronically).
At the Polls on Election Day. If you're unable to register by any of the methods above, you can still register when you go to the polls to vote. You will need to present a proof of residence document when registering (again, this document can be shown electronically).
Examples of proof of residence documents are here.
Save time and hassle.
Register now.

And don't forget to bring your photo ID!
MyVote.wi.gov is your best resource for all things related to voting. At MyVote, you can find your polling location, see a sample ballot, register to vote, check and update your voter information, and contact your clerk (who can best answer your voting related questions). Get answers to your questions and be confident casting your ballot.
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Voting is a right none of us can afford to lose.
To preserve and protect our democracy, we have to show up.

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Voting is a right none of us can afford to lose.