For Release: Friday - December 7, 2018
The Entire Package of Measures Serves Partisan Self Interest, Not Wisconsinites
Conceived in secrecy and dedicated to the proposition that Republican state legislative leaders should rule Wisconsin, the recently passed "extraordinary session" package of legislation should be vetoed by Governor Scott Walker for the benefit of the citizens of this state.
While Walker has spoken favorably about many of the highly-partisan measures that were unveiled, unleashed and rammed through the Wisconsin Legislature in less than 100 hours – before most of the public could even find out what they were all about – he needs to hear from as many Wisconsin citizens as possible to tell him that the fate of this disastrous package of ill-conceived legislation rests solely in his hands and he should veto all of it.
Walker's decision to either do the right and fair thing and veto the entire package of bills, or, to side with the narrow, partisan special interests such as Robin Vos, Scott Fitzgerald and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce – and virtually no one else – and sign these misguided measures into law as his last official act as Governor, will profoundly determine how history and the people of Wisconsin remember him and his legacy. That's up to Walker.
But what is up to us, and what we must do, is make our voices heard and tell Governor Scott Walker that the citizens of Wisconsin categorically urge that he veto the entire Lame Duck Session legislation that is now on his desk.
Here are the ways to contact him:
Write to him at:
Office of the Governor
Room 115 East State Capitol
Madison, WI 53702
Email him at:
Call him at:
(608) 266-1212

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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1 comment:
Please do not sign terrible bill. Leave office having people respect you!
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