Thursday, August 30, 2018

Where do Wisconsin state legislative and statewide candidates stand on non-partisan redistricting reform?

For Release: Thursday - August 30, 2018

We cannot rely on the courts alone to end partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin

CC/WI will keep a running list of who supports the "Iowa Plan"

On June 18th, the U.S. Supreme Court "punted" on making a decision about whether or not to affirm a federal court three-judge panel's November, 2016 ruling that Wisconsin's radically, hyper-partisan 2011 gerrymandering of state legislative districts was unconstitutional.

This past Monday, another federal court panel of judges again struck down North Carolina's 2011 congressional district partisan gerrymandering, injecting new life into our Wisconsin case that the Supreme Court had decided to take a pass on. But, when that could happen and in what form is unknown at this time.

What has become abundantly clear is that we cannot just rely on the courts alone to end hyper-partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin. We need to enact real reform into law to solve this problem once and for all.

During the 2017-2018 Legislative Session, non-partisan redistricting reform was the leading political reform initiative in the media and among citizens throughout Wisconsin. CC/WI helped unite pro-reform legislators and citizens behind a single measure – Assembly Bill 44/Senate Bill 13 – that is modeled after Iowa's highly successful, 38-year-old redistricting process that takes the partisan politics out of redistricting and delegates the boundary-drawing to a non-partisan state entity that does not utilize partisan political considerations in their task.

This issue has received the unprecedented endorsement of 19 Wisconsin daily newspaper editorial boards and thousands of citizens expressed their support for ending gerrymandering in letters to editors, communications to legislators and by attending one of numerous "reform forums" CC/WI and other organizations organized over 2017-2018 in every part of Wisconsin.

While the legislative leadership continues to oppose this reform and refused to hold even a public hearing during the past legislative session, redistricting reform will be very much an issue during the current election season.

We want to make it simple and easy for Wisconsin voters to see which state legislative and statewide candidates support the non-partisan redistricting reform embodied in the "Iowa Plan" by providing an updated list of those candidates on our website.

Any statewide or state legislative candidate (or their authorized proxy) who supports the "Iowa Plan" and would like to see their name listed on our site should contact CC/WI by phone at (608) 256-2686 (leave a message if no answer), by email or by letter: CC/WI, P.O. Box 2597, Madison, WI 53701-2597.

Citizens can urge candidates to support non-partisan redistricting reform and request that they get their names on this list. Candidates must be pro-active to have their names appear on this site! Even incumbent legislators running for re-election who co-sponsored AB 44/SB113 during the last legislative session must contact us to be on the list.

We will update the list constantly and will have a tab in the sidebar of our website for anyone to check to see who is on it and therefore in support of the Iowa Plan.

There is more that you can do to advance non-partisan redistricting reform in Wisconsin in the next few months.

First, you can download and print the postcard sized information sheet with questions to ask state legislative and statewide candidates at candidate forums and to distribute to your friends and family to do the same.

Challenging candidates in person or through the media to support redistricting reform is very powerful and effective.

Second, if you haven't done so yet, please "sign" the online petition in support of the "Iowa Plan" for Wisconsin and urge friends and family to do so as well. We already have about 4,000 "signatures" and would love to have well over 5,000 to present to the new Wisconsin Legislature, after the election, in early 2019.

Let's make ending partisan gerrymandering a central focus during this election season and finally achieve the redistricting process Wisconsin voters of all political persuasions want and deserve.

On Wisconsin!


Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)

Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI  53703

Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

TODAY is Primary Election Day – Go Vote!

For Release: Tuesday - August 14, 2018

Today, August 14th, voters will whittle down the field of partisan candidates for Governor, for the U.S. Senate and Congress, and for many other state and local offices. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Make sure you have a voice in determining who will be on the ballot in November.

Remember: you can only vote for candidates in a single political party in the primary. No "mixing" candidates of different political parties for your voting selections. If you do, your ballot will be invalidated.

Are you registered to vote?

Before heading out to the polls, check to see that you are registered to vote at your current address. If you're not, be sure to bring a proof of residence document (hard copy or electronic on your cell phone or tablet) when you go to the polls so that you can register there.

When you vote, you will need to present one of the acceptable forms of photo ID for voting pictured left. (Click image to enlarge)

If you already have a Wisconsin driver license or one of the other acceptable forms of ID for voting, then you're "ID ready." Just remember to bring it with you when you head to your polling place!

What if you don't have an acceptable ID for voting on Election Day?

You can ask for AND vote with a provisional ballot. But, for your ballot to be counted, you MUST either come back to your polling place with an acceptable form of ID before it closes at 8:00 PM tonight OR bring your ID to your municipal clerk's office by 4:00 pm this Friday (August 17th).

For more information about voter photo ID – and how to get a free ID if you don't have an ID acceptable for voting – see our downloadable voter ID fact sheet. Or visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission's voter photo ID website: Bring It to the Ballot.

If you do not have an acceptable ID for voting and need help getting one, contact one of these Voter ID Hotline #s: 608/285-2141 or 414/882-8622.

Are you a college student planning to use your student ID for voting?

If you do not have one of the other forms of photo ID pictured above, and you are a college student hoping to use your student ID and a proof of enrollment document as your "voter ID," look up your school NOW on the appropriate list linked below to see if your current student ID is an acceptable form of ID for voting. If your student ID cannot be used for voting, you can find out if a separate school-issued "voter photo ID" is available and how to get one.

  University of Wisconsin – 4-Year Schools
  University of Wisconsin – 2-Year Schools
  Wisconsin Private Universities & Colleges
  Wisconsin Technical Colleges

Where is your polling place?

To find out where to go to cast your ballot, visit the "Find My Polling Place" page on the Wisconsin Election Commission's "My Vote Wisconsin" website and type in your address.

What's on your ballot?

Visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's "What's on My Ballot" page and type in your address to see a sample ballot.

Have voting questions or problems?

Common Cause in Wisconsin is once again partnering with the nonpartisan Election Protection coalition, led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, to provide "guidance, information and help to any American, regardless of who that voter is casting a ballot for." You have the right to vote without harassment or intimidation at your polling place.

Election Protection’s highly-trained legal volunteers are available to assist voters with any questions or problems, no matter how simple or complex. Voters may call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) toll-free with any questions or issues that may arise. Spanish-speaking voters may seek assistance through the 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682) hotline.

Review this information NOW and then go make your voice heard at the ballot box in this important primary election – and encourage every eligible voter you know to do the same!


Jay Heck

608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)

Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach

Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703

Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Everything you need to know to vote on (or before) the August 14th Primary

For Release: Tuesday - August 7, 2018

Next Tuesday, August 14th, voters will pare down the field of partisan candidates for Governor, for the U.S. Senate and Congress, and for many other state and local offices. Make sure you have a voice in determining who will be on the ballot in November.

Before you cast your ballot, remember: you can only vote for candidates in a single political party in the primary. No "mixing" candidates of different political parties for your voting selections. If you do, your ballot will be invalidated.

To preview your Primary Election ballot, visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission's "What's on My Ballot" page and type in your address.

Early, absentee voting is available NOW!

If there is even the slightest chance you won’t make it to the polls next Tuesday, don’t wait – see our guide to voting with an early, absentee ballot – in person or by mail, and then VOTE.

The process for casting a ballot early varies across the state, so be sure to contact your local municipal clerk’s office to see what days and hours you can vote early.

The deadline for voters to request a mailed absentee ballot is this Thursday, August 9th. All absentee ballots must be returned to the municipal clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14th. The last day for in-person absentee voting is Saturday, August 11th, but many cities end early voting on Friday, August 10th.

To confirm that you're registered to vote at your current address:

Visit the "My Voter Info" page at, and enter your name and date of birth to check your voter registration status. You need to have lived at your current address for at least 10 days prior to Election Day in order to register to vote in that election district or ward.

If you're not already registered, you can still register to vote – here's how:

In your Municipal Clerk’s Office.
You can register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the 5pm (or close of business) on the Friday before the election in which you are planning to vote. For the August primary, that date is this Friday, August 10th. You'll need to bring a proof of residence document to complete your registration (this document can be shown electronically).

At the Polls on Election Day.
If you're unable to register by before the election, you can still register at your polling place on Election Day. You will need to present a proof of residence document when registering (again, this document can be shown electronically). If your driver’s license or state ID card has your current address, that’s all you need.

Examples of proof of residence documents are here.

When you vote, you will need to present one of the acceptable forms of photo ID for voting pictured left.

(Click to enlarge image)

For more information about voter photo ID – and how to get a free ID if you don't have an ID acceptable for voting – see our downloadable voter ID fact sheet. Or visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's voter photo ID website: Bring It to the Ballot.

If you do not have an acceptable ID for voting and need help getting one, contact this statewide Voter ID Hotline #: 608/285-2141.

Are you (or do you know) a college student voting in Wisconsin?

Here are "Three Things College Students Need to Do To Vote in Wisconsin"

Don't put this off – or think that a primary election isn't worth turning out for. Every election matters, and your participation is crucial to restoring a healthy democracy in our state.


Jay Heck
Executive Director
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512/9363 (cell)

Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach

Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703

Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

In the News - August 2018