For Release: Thursday - July 19, 2018
Prepare NOW to Vote in the August 14th Primary Election
Prepare NOW to Vote in the August 14th Primary Election
The dog days of summer are upon us in Wisconsin and the temperature isn't the only thing heating up. On Tuesday, August 14th, voters will whittle down the field of candidates for Governor, for the U.S. Senate and Congress, and for many other state and local offices.
The August 14th Primary Election is less than a month away. It's important to take steps now to ensure that you have a voice in who will be on the ballot for the November 6th General Election.
To preview your Primary Election ballot, visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission's "What's on My Ballot" page and type in your address.
Early, absentee voting is available NOW!
If there is even the slightest chance you won’t make it to the polls on Tuesday, August 14th, don’t wait – see our guide to voting with an early, absentee ballot – in person or by mail, and then VOTE.
The process for casting a ballot early varies across the state, so be sure to contact your local municipal clerk’s office to see what days and hours you can vote early.
The deadline for voters to request a mailed absentee ballot is Thursday, August 9th. All absentee ballots must be returned to the municipal clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14th. The last day for in-person absentee voting is Saturday, August 11th, but many cities end early voting on Friday, August 10th.
To confirm that you're registered to vote at your current address:
Visit the "My Voter Info" page at, and enter your name and date of birth to check your voter registration status. You need to have lived at your current address for at least 10 days prior to Election Day in order to register to vote in that election district or ward.

Online. Eligible voters in Wisconsin who have a valid Wisconsin drivers license or a Wisconsin DMV-issued ID can now register online at up to 20 days before the election in which they are planning to vote. For the August 14th primary, the last day to register online is Wednesday, July 25th.
By Mail. You can start your voter registration form online at – then print, sign and mail it to your municipal clerk along with a Proof Of Residence (POR) document. Your form and POR must be postmarked no later than 20 days before the election in which you are planning to vote. Again, for the August 14th primary, that date is Wednesday, July 25th.
In your Municipal Clerk’s Office. You can register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the 5pm (or close of business) on the Friday before the election in which you are planning to vote. For the August primary, that date is Friday, August 10th. You'll need to bring a proof of residence document to complete your registration (this document can be shown electronically).
At the Polls on Election Day. If you're unable to register by any of the methods above, you can still register at your polling place on Election Day. You will need to present a proof of residence document when registering (again, this document can be shown electronically). If your driver’s license or state ID card has your current address, that’s all you need.
Examples of proof of residence documents are here.
Save time and hassle. Register to vote now.
When you vote, you will need to present one of the acceptable forms of photo ID for voting pictured left.
(Click to enlarge image)
For more information about voter photo ID – and how to get a free ID if you don't have an ID acceptable for voting – see our downloadable voter ID fact sheet. Or visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's voter photo ID website: Bring It to the Ballot.
If you do not have an acceptable ID for voting and need help getting one, contact this statewide Voter ID Hotline #: 608/285-2141.
Are you (or do you know) a college student voting in Wisconsin?
Here are "Three Things College Students Need to Do To Vote in Wisconsin"
Make sure you vote. Your participation is vital to a healthy democracy!
Jay Heck
Executive Director
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512/9363 (cell)
Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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