Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Counter Attack Begins on Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering In 2016 Elections

For Release: Tuesday - July 26, 2016

Fair voter Maps/Redistricting Reform Being Elevated as a Prominent Election Issue

Overlooked in all of the dramatic international and national news that seems to have accelerated almost with each passing day in this most insane and tumultuous election year since 1968, has been the quiet but steady progress occurring this Summer on a number of state political reform fronts. Despite the determined efforts of Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) and State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) to stamp it out as an issue and make Wisconsinites forget about it, non-partisan redistricting reform – the necessity of ending hyper-partisan gerrymandering of state legislative and congressional districts – continues to gain support among Wisconsinites of all political stripes, and will be a front-and-center issue for state legislative candidates running for election or re-election in 2016.

Statewide newspapers continue to editorialize about it and CC/WI continues to inform the public about this critical issue through opinion editorials like this one, this one, this one, this one, and many more.

One far right wing newspaper columnist decided he needed to try to defend the corrupt status quo by pathetically surmising that if the Democrats had been in power in 2011, they would have been just as awful as the Republicans were in robbing Wisconsinites of genuine choices in general elections. Really? That's the best defense they have? As if there isn't any positive alternative to the current, debased system? When that's the best they can come up with against ending partisan gerrymandering, then you know their policy is bankrupt and rotten to the core.

This Summer has seen a big surge in the number of Wisconsinites signing our online petition – to be delivered to the 2017 Wisconsin Legislature, early next year – demanding support for legislation that would establish the non-partisan redistricting system our neighboring state of Iowa has had in place since 1980. If you have not yet signed the petition, or know of others who haven't, please do so and urge other Wisconsinites to sign it as well. We now have well over 2,000 signees but would like to double that number, if possible.

A promising lawsuit challenging the hyper-partisan, secretive 2011 redistricting process that concluded oral arguments before a federal three-judge panel at the end of May could also lead to a court-ordered end to the current method of drawing new election maps every ten years. The U.S. Supreme Court may take the case next Fall. While a decision may not occur to effect the November 2016 elections, it could result in changes in 2017.

For an excellent analysis of the partisan gerrymandering situation throughout the nation, we recommend this article.

CC/WI will report on other progress being made on political reform issues critical for the strengthening and maintenance of democracy and the rule of law in Wisconsin in the days and weeks ahead.

Never surrender!


Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)

Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI  53703

Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Are You Ready to Cast a Ballot in the August 9th Primary Election?

For Release: Friday - July 15, 2016

Please take some time NOW to make sure your vote can be cast and counted on August 9th!

Are you registered to vote? It's easy to find out. Just go to MyVote.WI.gov and select "Register to vote," then enter your name and date of birth to confirm that you are registered at your current address.

If you're not already registered, there are several ways you can register to vote:

By Mail
. Up to 20 days before the election. Next Tuesday, July 19th is the last day to register by mail in order to vote in the August 9th primary. You can start your voter registration form online at MyVote.WI.gov – then print, sign and mail it to your municipal clerk along with a proof of residence document.

By Special Registration Deputy (SRD). SRDs are appointed by a municipal clerk to register fellow citizens at many venues within their municipality. You will often see SRDs during election season at libraries, community centers, nursing homes, farmers' markets, outside of banks and supermarkets. You'll need to show an SRD a proof of residence document in order to complete your registration with them (this document can be shown electronically). The last day to register with an SRD to vote in the August 9th primary is next Tuesday, July 19th.

In your Municipal Clerk’s Office
. You can register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the Friday before the election at 5:00 p.m. or close of business, whichever is later. You'll need to bring a proof of residence document to complete your registration (this document can be shown electronically).

At the Polls on Election Day. If you're unable to register by any of the methods above, you can still register when you go to the polls to vote. You will need to present a proof of residence document when registering (again, this document can be shown electronically).

Here are some examples of acceptable proof of residence documents

Remember – even if you're already registered to vote – in order for your vote to be counted, you must present one of the forms of photo identification pictured left.

For additional information on the photo ID you will need to present when casting a ballot, please see the links below.

All Eligible Wisconsin Voters

(Spanish Language version)

Senior Citizens

(Spanish Language version)

College Students

Click here for more on getting ready to vote in 2016!

If you or someone you know does not have a photo ID that is acceptable for voting, have any questions about getting a free photo ID to vote – or need assistance getting required documents – call one of these Voter ID Helplines: 608-729-7720 or 414-882-8622 to reach a team of folks helping voters across the state.

In addition, our friends at the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin are launching a statewide voter education/voter registration tour entitled "Gear Up to Vote" next Monday, July 18th at 10:00 AM at the Madison Senior Center, 330 West Mifflin Street.

Throughout this summer and fall, SRDs from the League will be taking their colorful minivan across Wisconsin (beginning in Madison's Theresa Terrace/Hammersley Road neighborhood on Monday) to "register citizens to vote, help them find their polling place, inform them about acceptable types of photo ID, and let voters know where to find information about candidates and issues." If you can make it for Monday's kick-off event, then come on out and get answers about voting, register – or just show your support for this welcome, much-needed effort!

Voting is a right none of us can afford to lose.

Take steps NOW to ensure that you and everyone you know can make their voice heard at the ballot box on August 9th and beyond!


Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)

Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI  53703

Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!


Friday, July 1, 2016

In the News - July 2016