For Release: Wednesday - June 29, 2016
Crunch Time for Getting Wisconsin Citizens Information
on Voter Photo ID Requirement
on Voter Photo ID Requirement
Only Six Weeks Until Primary Election Day
With the August 9th primary election now just under six weeks away, time is of the essence in getting Wisconsinites the information they need to know in order to vote. It is important that every citizen who is eligible and would like to cast a vote know what form of ID they need to bring to their polling place (or for in-person absentee voting before election day). It is also vitally important that citizens who do not yet have one of the required forms of ID to vote be informed about what they need and how to obtain it.

We have also developed a similar, simple, two-page information sheet specifically for senior citizen voters, both in English language here, and in Spanish language, here.
Finally, we have developed a very simple one-page information sheet: "What College & University Students need to know" about Wisconsin Voter Photo ID as well. You can download it here.
Our friends at the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and at Wisconsin Voices and many other groups are also utilizing this information to inform Wisconsin voters of all ages about what they need to know in order to get the ID they need for voting and having those votes counted.
CC/WI has a limited quantity of printed information sheets (for all voters) available for pick-up in Madison. If you would like to obtain some, please contact Sandra Miller to arrange pick-up.
Let's all pitch in and ensure that anyone and everyone who is eligible to vote and wishes to, is able to do so. Getting them the information they need will greatly assist in this critical task.
Thanks. On Wisconsin!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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