For Release: Thursday - November 12, 2015
We know this is incredibly short notice, but it's important.
On Monday, November 16th, the Wisconsin Assembly will vote on the Campaign Finance Deform (Assembly Bill 387) and GAB Destruction (Assembly Bill 388) legislation. As you know, both measures passed in the State Senate in the dark of night last weekend.
Tomorrow, Friday – at 10 AM in the Assembly Parlor (just off the Assembly Chamber in the State Capitol) – Common Cause in Wisconsin and other reformers will gather with State Representative Terese Berceau of Madison and former State Representative Penny Bernard Schaber of Appleton to briefly discuss what real campaign finance reform ought to look like, instead of what passage and enactment of Assembly Bill 387 will cause: the unleashing of a tsunami of secret, special interest money in our elections and public policy-making; the legalization of formerly illegal coordination of candidate campaigns with "outside" special interest groups; and the unlimited corporate and wealthy donor money that will flood the Capitol and promote political corruption.
If you are in or near Madison on Friday morning, we need you to come to the Assembly Parlor and stand with us against political corruption and in support of disclosure, transparency, and sensible limits on special interest money in our politics and elections. It won't take much time, but legislators and the media need to know that real Wisconsinites are opposed to the sale of our state to out-of-state (and some in-state) wealthy donors and interest groups.
So help us "Pack the Parlor" on Friday morning at 10:00 AM in your State Capitol Building.
Read or re-read Jay Heck: Shrouding Wisconsin in secrecy in the dark of night; GOP prevails on GAB, campaign finance; and/or How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin if you require any further inspiration.
Hope to see you Friday morning in the Assembly Parlor in the Capitol!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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