For Release: Tuesday - November 17, 2015
Statement of Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin on the
Wisconsin Assembly Vote on Assembly Bill 387 & 388
Wisconsin Assembly Vote on Assembly Bill 387 & 388
The corrupt status quo in Wisconsin not only prevailed on Monday, it triumphed completely. The majority party in the State Assembly and the State Senate moved Wisconsin far back into the past, vanquishing more than 100 years of transparency and sensible limits on special interest political money – reforms which, in part, date back to the Governorship of Robert M. LaFollette, Sr.
The destruction of the nine-year-old, non-partisan Government Accountability Board was based on completely discredited charges, false premises, character assassination and outright falsehoods. The enactment into law of both the GAB destruction (AB 388) and campaign finance deform (AB 387) measures, in combination with the recently enacted law to exempt political crimes from being investigated under the state’s John Doe process – all combine to allow political corruption to take root and flourish in Wisconsin. In secret.
Legislative Democrats and Republican State Senator Rob Cowles of Green Bay deserve citizen thanks for opposing the campaign finance deform legislation.
Legislative Democrats and Republican State Representatives Todd Novak of Dodgeville, Warren Petryk of Eleva and Travis Tranel of Cuba City deserve thanks for opposing the GAB destruction measure.
This will be remembered as one of the saddest and darkest days in Wisconsin history, at the end of one of the most horrendous months in our state’s 167-year history, when honest, accountable and transparent state government was systematically dismantled in favor of hyper-partisan political advantage, retroactive decriminalization, and revenge.
The sun will rise again in our state. But we will all need to pull together to make that happen.

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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