For Release: Tuesday - August 5, 2014
One Candidate for Governor and 51 Other Candidates Endorse
Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform
Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform
Burke (not Mary, but the Other One, Robert) and Vos' GOP Primary Opponent Among Those Who Contacted CC/WI

Just five days ago, only a dozen statewide or state legislative candidates up for election this August or November had bothered to take the time and make the effort to inform Common Cause in Wisconsin of their support for non-partisan redistricting reform based on Iowa's 34-year-old widely-acclaimed and successful non-partisan redistricting process.
But since July 30th, additional 40 candidates have contacted CC/WI – boosting the total up to 52 as of this morning. Included in that total are Robert Burke, the Libertarian candidate for Governor and Republican Bryn Biemeck of Mount Pleasant (who is challenging Assembly Speaker Robin Vos in the GOP Primary Election on August 12th). Two additional Libertarian candidates and 48 Democratic candidates have pro-actively contacted us as well so far.
To see the constantly-being-updated list of candidates who have contacted CC/WI telling us they support the "Iowa Plan" for Wisconsin during this election season, go here.
If you are a candidate who supports non-partisan redistricting reform, but have not yet pro-actively told us so, send us an email, call 608-256-2686 (leave a message if no answer) or write to us at CC/WI, P.O. Box 2597, Madison, WI 53701-2597. You will then be added to this list.
One of the reasons we need non-partisan redistricting reform is because we believe legislators elected under such a process will be more responsive to their voters and pay attention to their concerns. If they occupy an utterly safe seat, legislators don't have to be and often are not. This is, in part, an exercise to see which candidates are paying attention!
Stay tuned for new additions to the list!

For our July 24th and July 30th releases on this "challenge to candidates" on this issue, go here and here, respectively.
Go here for an excellent, recent editorial in The Capital Times on the CC/WI challenge (written when there were 22 respondents).

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

Updated at 7:15 AM on 8-5-2014
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