Common Cause in Wisconsin Reform Update
Tuesday - June 17, 2014

Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
1. Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform as an Election Year Issue
2. 37th and Final CC/WI "Reform Forum" in Racine Draws Near Capacity Audience
1. During the 2013-2014 Wisconsin legislative session that ended in early April,

During 2013-2014 pro-reform legislators united behind a single vehicle – Assembly Bill 185 and Senate Bill 163 – identical measures that would keep the responsibility of redrawing state legislative and congressional district lines after each decennial census through an up or down vote of the Wisconsin Legislature, but at the same time, delegate the actual task of drawing the new district boundaries to the non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau, who would utilize decidedly non-partisan criteria in which to do so.
To review all that was done and the progress that was made in advancing non-partisan redistricting reform during 2013-2014, go here. Read veteran state Capitol reporter Steve Walter's sad and sobering commentary about the lack of competitiveness in Wisconsin legislative elections (in which he cites CC/WI) here. CC/WI State Governing Board Chair Bill Kraus also gives his analysis of the 2014 elections in the face of a horribly gerrymandered political map here.
Support for this fundamental reform ought to be a front-and-center election issue this year. CC/WI is urging newspaper editorial boards to make this issue one of their criteria for endorsement of statewide and state legislative candidates – and we urge all citizens to raise it as an issue as well. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Burlington) infamously said fairly recently "nobody cares" about redistricting reform. That's a lie, of course. What he really meant to say was that he hoped no one else would care so that he could control the next redistricting process in the same absolute, dictatorial, hyper-partisan, secretive and costly (to you, the taxpayers) way that his predecessor did in 2011.

The discussion centered on the gerrymandered mess made of Racine and what was once part of one

Our forums were held primarily on university and college campuses in order to attract some students – the next generation of political participants to be involved in our democracy. In addition to going to Green Bay (twice), we also had forums in the Milwaukee area (4 times), Oshkosh (twice), Pewaukee, La Crosse (twice), Eau Claire (twice), Appleton (twice), Sheboygan, Baraboo, Kenosha, Janesville (twice), Madison (4 times), Sturgeon Bay, Whitewater, Beloit, Stevens Point (twice), Wausau, Middleton, Spring Green, Green Lake, Menasha, Greenfield, Mazomanie, and River Falls.
We had many wonderful panelists – elected officials and others from all over the political spectrum, including current and former State Senators Rob Cowles, Dave Hansen, Carol Roessler, Julie Lassa, Dale Schultz, Jon Erpenbach, Mike Ellis, Tim Cullen, Jim Sullivan, Peggy Rosenzweig, Walter John Chilsen, Bob Wirch, John Lehman, Tim Carpenter, Tim Weeden, Jennifer Shilling, Dan Kapanke, Margaret Farrow, Jessica King, Mordecai Lee, Kathleen Vinehout, Fred Risser, Pat Kreitlow, Cal Potter, and current or former State Representatives Peter Barca, Jeff Stone, Jeanette Bell, Donna Seidel, Jill Billings, David Martin, Dean Kaufert, Penny Bernard Schaber, Steve Doyle, Andy Jorgenson, Jon Richards, Spencer Black, Bert Grover, Dick Spanbauer, Gordon Hintz, Jim Soletski, Jeff Smith, Fred Clark, Dana Wachs and Kristen Dexter. Also, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices Patrick Crooks and Ann Walsh Bradley, and former U.S. Congressman David Obey. And many wonderful academic experts, journalists and reform colleagues such as Andrea Kaminski of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and the legendary Bill Kraus, our CC/WI Chair.
Thanks everyone! It was a great run and we did a lot of good, we hope.
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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