Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
For Release: Tuesday - January 21, 2014
On Wednesday evening, Wisconsin Governor
Scott Walker will deliver his fourth "State of the State" address in front of a joint session of the Legislature -- and he has an important decision to make before then. Will he rise above the current, polarized and divisive partisan divide and announce his support for legislation that would bring about a non-partisan redistricting process similar to what has been in place in Iowa since 1981?
Or, will he continue to tacitly support the vehement opposition to this basic, common-sense reform by the Republican legislative leadership, who will not even schedule public hearings on
Assembly Bill 185 and/or
Senate Bill 163?
In Iowa, in 1980, a Republican Governor (
Robert Ray) signed into law their non-partisan redistricting plan that was passed by the Iowa Legislature with Republican majorities in both chambers. They did it because they put the interests of the citizens of Iowa
ahead of their own narrow, partisan interests. Why would Governor Walker not wish to demonstrate the same support for the interests of the citizens of Wisconsin?
On Sunday, major daily newspapers across Wisconsin simultaneously issued powerful editorials calling on Walker to be a Governor for all of Wisconsin and, at the very least, call for public hearings to be scheduled by the legislative leadership on AB 185 and SB 163. "Alternative" public hearings have already occurred in Appleton in December and in Chippewa Falls, Marshfield, Rice Lake and Wausau earlier this month. But Republican legislators did not participate in those hearings even thought they were invited. It's high time that they did.
Here are three things you can do today to advance this critical reform.
First, further educate yourself and read these powerful editorials from this past Sunday's newspapers:
Appleton Post Crescent: Editorial: Walker should push for hearing on redistricting reform
Beloit Daily News: Chance to lead on redistricting
Eau Claire Leader Telegram: Walker should take bold step
Green Bay Press Gazette: Editorial: Walker should call for public hearings on redistricting
La Crosse Tribune: Our view: Walker must lead on redistricting
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: A few words from Gov. Scott Walker might make the difference
Wisconsin State Journal: My fellow citizens, it's time for a public hearing on redistricting reform
Next, check here to see if your State Senator and your State Representative are co-sponsors of AB 185/SB 163. If they are, contact them, say "thank you" and ask them to make this issue a priority. If they are not co-sponsors, contact them and tell them to support AB 185/SB 163. If you are not sure who your State Senator and/or State Representatives are, go here.
Finally, contact Governor Scott Walker:
(608) 266-1212
Office of Governor Scott Walker
115 East Capitol
Madison, WI 53702
Urge him to support and speak out in favor of non-partisan redistricting reform and, specifically, in support of Assembly Bill 185 and Senate Bill 163 (which are identical). And that he speak out in support of public hearings on the reform measures right away!
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
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Update: Snow should curtail by evening -- tonight's public forum at Edgewood College in Madison is still on!
- 2/17/2014, 2:00 PM

Redistricting Reform
Disclosure of Money in Politics
The Citizens United Decision
Public Financing of Elections
Voter Photo ID
"What Ever Happened to Good Government in Wisconsin?
And How Can We Fix It?"
Monday, February 17, 2014
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Edgewood College
Anderson Auditorium
1000 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, Wisconsin
** Event is Free... and so are the cookies! **
Panelists: State Senator Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center)
State Senator Fred Risser (D-Madison)
Andrea Kaminski, Executive Director - League of Women Voters of Wisconsin
Political Science Professor Steven Davis of Edgewood College
and CC/WI Executive Director Jay Heck
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Common Cause in Wisconsin Reform Update
Tuesday - January 14, 2014
Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
1. "Citizens United - The Sequel" Court Decision May be Rendered This Month
2. Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader Blocks Bad Campaign Finance Bill
3. Why Political Reform in Wisconsin Will be a Big Election Issue in 2014
4. Mary Lou Munts: 1924-2013
1. In January, 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down one of the most horrific and misguided decisions in its history --
Citizens United v. F.E.C. -- reversing more than 100 years of precedent and

settled law and suddenly opening the flood gates to allow unlimited and unregulated (and largely undisclosed) corporate and union treasury money to flow into and undermine our state and federal elections. The Roberts Court is poised to deliver another terrible decision on money in our politics and it could be handed down yet this month. This irresponsible action is the subject of an
opinion-editorial by CC/WI director
Jay Heck that was published on January 11th in the
Wisconsin State Journal.
2. As we reported to you
earlier this month, State Senate Majority Leader
Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) announced that the State Senate would not be considering bad campaign finance legislation (
Assembly Bill 225) that CC/WI opposes and that passed in the Wisconsin Assembly late last year. Fitzgerald said the measure lacked sufficient votes in the State Senate to pass. Here is
why CC/WI believes AB 225 is doomed and lacks enough support in that chamber.
3. Redistricting Reform emerged as a huge issue in Wisconsin politics in 2013 and that issue, and other political reform
issues will "matter" to voters in the 2014 elections perhaps more so than in any election in memory. CC/WI Director Jay Heck will talk about the reasons why the stars are aligning for reform this year (as election issues, if not enactment) at an event in Middleton, Wisconsin on Thursday evening. If you are in the area then, drop by to participate. Here are the details.
4. It is with great sadness that we convey to those of you who may not have known, that Mary Louise Munts -- one of the most accomplished state legislators in Wisconsin's history and the Co-Chair of Common Cause in Wisconsin from 1995 to 2005 -- passed away on December 22nd near Philadelphia, where she had resided for the last eight years. Mary Lou (as we knew her in Wisconsin) was an amazingly energetic, intelligent, engaging, kind and compassionate person who made a strong and lasting impression on everyone who knew her. Her career in the Wisconsin Assembly was almost legendary and is described vividly here.
As Co-Chair of Common Cause in Wisconsin (with current Chair Bill Kraus), Mary Lou helped steer the revival of our organization into becoming the largest and most effective reform advocacy group in the state. We missed her when she left Madison in 2005 to be closer to several of her children, and we join them and her many friends in Wisconsin in missing Mary Lou's active presence in our lives. Hers was truly a life very well lived. Farewell Mary Lou!
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
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Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
For Release: Tuesday - January 7, 2014
The Republican legislative leadership and committee chairs with jurisdiction over non-partisan redistricting reform legislation (
Assembly Bill 185 and
Senate Bill 163) continue to deny even public hearings on the matter. In December, the first
"alternative" public hearing on ending gerrymandering was held in Appleton and about 65 citizens braved a snowstorm to attend and discuss reform with four legislators and board members of Common Cause in Wisconsin and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.
On Thursday and Friday of this week, four public hearings will be held in various locales in northwestern Wisconsin with state legislators and with former Wisconsin U.S. Representative
Dave Obey, who is a strong advocate for non-partisan redistricting reform for Wisconsin. As was the case for the Appleton hearing, Republican legislators from the area as well as Democratic legislators have been invited to participate.
Here is the schedule for this upcoming Thursday and Friday:
Thursday, January 9
- Rice Lake – 10 a.m. – UW-Barron County, Ritzinger Hall
- Chippewa Falls – 2 p.m. – Chippewa Falls Public Library, 105 W. Central St., Chippewa Falls
Friday, January 10
- Marshfield – 9:30 a.m. – Marshfield City Hall, Council Chambers – 630 S. Central Ave, Marshfield
- Wausau – 1:30 p.m. – NTC, Health Services Auditorium – 1000 W. Campus Dr., Wausau, Room 1004
Citizens of all political persuasions and views are invited to attend and participate in these events. Non-partisan redistricting reform is a critical issue that will not be simply brushed aside by partisan leaders bent on controlling the outcome of Wisconsin's elections.
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
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Happy New Year!
Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
For Release: Friday Evening - January 3, 2014
Together, we made big strides during 2013 in elevating the issue of hyper-partisan, secretive and expensive gerrymandering of state legislative and congressional districts in Wisconsin, and have made Wisconsinites aware of and supportive of redistricting reform.
2014 is an election year and we can and
will make this an election-year issue. Reform is a
winning issue and state legislative, statewide and congressional candidates will have to take a yes or no stand on redistricting reform whether they want to or not. So we need to step it up.
As another Arctic blast ices Wisconsin this weekend -- which will hopefully help the Packers prevail over the 49ers on the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field -- please take some time to do a couple of things, in addition to cheering on Green Bay:
1.) Read this excellent, short column by CC/WI Co-Chair Bill Kraus entitled: "Gerrymandering: The Movie."
2.) Watch the 2010 movie of the same name -- which will take you less than an hour.

(You can watch it for free here.)
3.) Vow to keep working to elevate redistricting in Wisconsin throughout 2014!
And go Packers!

By the way, we are pretty sure Aaron Rodgers supports redistricting reform. Why wouldn't he? Why wouldn't anyone?
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
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