For Release: Wednesday - December 17, 2014
Vos Now Agrees With Fitzgerald About How to Destroy the
Non-Partisan Government Accountability Board
Legislative Leaders Emulate Henry Potter in Attempt to Take Over The G.A.B (The Bailey Building & Loan)
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker
Robin Vos (R-Rochester)
has made no secret of his misplaced disdain for the effective, non-partisan Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, the only non-partisan state agency in the nation that oversees state elections, campaign finance, lobbying and ethics. Hailed as a
national model by national election experts, the G.A.B. is under attack by Vos and by State Senate Majority leader
Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) because it makes decisions based on the facts and merits of the issues it considers by six non-partisan retired judges. Vos and Fitzgerald want the G.A.B. making partisan decisions that favor the Republicans. They control everything else in state government and it irks them to no end that they do not yet control the G.A.B.
This is very much like how Henry Potter felt about George Bailey and the Building and Loan in the seasonal classic
It's a Wonderful Life.
On Monday, Vos said he no longer favored only keeping the six non-partisan retired judges that constitute the G.A.B., but would be very open to doing what Fitzgerald has advocated – making the G.A.B. a partisan entity stacked with political appointments, including those by Fitzgerald and Vos. So now, the two Republican legislative leaders are in agreement about how to eviscerate the G.A.B., which was established less than eight years ago as a significant political reform devised by retiring State Senator Mike Ellis (R-Neenah) with CC/WI and which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, including the support of both Vos and Fitzgerald.
Vos is using the pretext of a recent Legislative Audit Bureau of the G.A.B. which uncovered some issues that need to be addressed and corrected, but which in no way suggested that the G.A.B. needs to be destroyed and brought under legislative control as Vos and Fitzgerald and others seek to do.
This is an offensive and terrible initiative on the part of Vos and Fitzgerald. This past Sunday, the Wisconsin State Journal editorialized about why. Let's hope that those who seek to destroy the G.A.B., read this editorial, pause and rethink their current position before they act rashly and recklessly.
You need to add your voice to this coming debate by contacting both your State Senator and your State Representative and telling them to support the integrity and independence of the G.A.B. in its basic current form and that you oppose the effort by Vos and Fitzgerald to make it a partisan puppet agency. If you are not sure who your state legislators are, go here.
* * *
Common Cause in Wisconsin does an online "ask" for your
financial support only at this time of year in order not to irritate you with constant, year-round pleas of support.
If you value our work and are able to help support us so that we can continue to be pro-active and effective, please consider making a year-end contribution to CC/WI. We would be very grateful to have your support! Here is how you can do so.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at
Common Cause in Wisconsin!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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Common Cause in Wisconsin Reform Update
Tuesday November 25, 2014
1. Why Does Speaker Robin Vos hate the independent, non-partisan Government
Accountability Board?
2. Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform Push to Continue
3. Flood of Last Minute Outside Secret Money Tips Assembly Election
4. Thanksgiving Greetings
1. Assembly Speaker
Robin Vos (R-Burlington) seems to display astonishing selective amnesia about

why the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board was created as a non-partisan and independent state agency in 2007 to oversea the state's election, campaign finance, lobbying and ethics laws.
Vos was elected to the Assembly in 2004, two years after the Legislative Caucus Scandal had erupted and brought down the top Democratic State Senate and Republican Assembly leaders (including Assistant Majority Leader
Bonnie Ladwig who preceded Vos and had been his boss). That scandal was the impetus behind the creation of the G.A.B. because the State Elections Board and the State Ethics Board had utterly failed to investigate and uncover the unfolding corruption that was occurring under the Capitol dome for years before five top Democratic and Republican legislative leaders were criminally charged with felony and misdemeanor misconduct in public office in 2002.
Retiring State Senator Mike Ellis (R-Neenah) devised the idea of establishing a non-partisan and independent agency to oversee elections, campaign finance, lobbying and ethics in the wake of the Caucus Scandal and CC/WI worked closely with him and other legislators to construct the legislation which passed with the votes
of every Republican legislator in a Special Session in early 2007, including the vote of Vos and of State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) who has also said he wants to dismantle the G.A.B.
Why the change of heart by Vos and Fitzgerald? It turns out that legislative leaders want absolute power and don't like non-partisan, independent entities making decisions the leaders haven't approved of first. Vos, in particular, seems to really have a problem with an independent G.A.B. and its able and respected executive director, Kevin Kennedy, who has led the G.A.B. since its inception and who, for nearly 30 years prior to establishment of the G.A.B., had directed the partisan State Elections Board in a professional, non-partisan manner.
CC/WI weighed in against the Vos assault on G.A.B in this article that has appeared in many daily newspapers across the state. CC/WI Director Jay Heck also discussed this matter at length in this recent radio broadcast. CC/WI and others who value a non-partisan, independent G.A.B will be making a lot more noise about this in the weeks ahead before Vos and Fitzgerald move to destroy it next year.
2. Another reform that the citizens of Wisconsin sorely need and that Vos and Fitzgerald have thus far resisted and ignored is non-partisan redistricting reform based on what Iowa enacted into law in 1980.
Throughout the 2013-2014 legislative session, CC/WI led the statewide effort in support of Senate Bill 163 and Assembly Bill 185, identical legislative measures which garnered the editorial support of an unprecedented 19 daily Wisconsin newspaper editorial boards and a significant number of legislators. We have been talking to legislators about ensuring that identical legislation will be introduced in early 2015.
During the 2014 election season, CC/WI asked candidates who supported non-partisan redistricting reform to contact us and let us know of their support and many did. Here is a listing of those supporters who were elected on November 4th and who will be serving in the 2015-2016 Wisconsin Legislature (as well as those State Senators who support this reform but who were not up for election this year).
3. In 2012, State Rep. Mandy Wright was narrowly elected in what is one of just a handful of competitive state legislative districts left in Wisconsin after the hyper-partisan, secretive and expensive (to taxpayers)
2011 redistricting gerrymander.
In 2014, the election was expected to be close again and it was – Wright lost to Republican Dave Heaton by 86 votes. But the vote tally doesn't tell the whole story. A deluge of outside special interest money, most of it secret, poured into Wausau during the final weeks of the campaign attacking Wright. By some estimates, the figure could be as high as $250,000. Less than $100 was spent in Wright's behalf by outside groups. Heaton also received a surge of late money for his own campaign. Total spending in this single Assembly election approached $500,000 with Wright being outspent by more than a 3 to 1 margin. An Assembly district in Wisconsin contains less than 60,000 citizens.
Last week, we invited Mandy Wright to come before the CC/WI State Governing Board meeting in the Capitol to tell us what happened and what, if any lessons, could be learned from this onslaught of outside special interest money in this Assembly election. Wisconsin Eye filmed her appearance and you can view and/or listen to it here.
4. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays because it gives CC/WI an opportunity to thank all of the many good citizens, members of the media and elected officials who support honest, accountable and transparent state government and politics, and who have honored CC/WI with their support and encouragement.
So to all of you – as well as to all those who may disagree with us but who still want what is best for Wisconsin – the State Governing Board and staff of Common Cause in Wisconsin wish you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
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Thursday - November 20, 2014

State Representative
Mandy Wright (D-Wausau) was narrowly elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in 2012. Her re-election contest in 2014 was decided by an even narrower margin – just 86 votes – in her loss to Republican challenger
Dave Heaton. What was different from 2012 was the vast amount of outside money that poured into this election during the last month, most of it attacking Wright.
Today, Thursday, November 20th at
1:00 PM, Wright will address the Common Cause in Wisconsin State Governing Board in
Senate Hearing Room 225 North-West of the Capitol to tell what happened.
Her presentation of 15 to 20 minutes will be followed by Q&A from CC/WI Board Members.
CC/WI members and the media are invited to attend.
Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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For Release: Tuesday - November 4, 2014

1. You do not need to bring an ID of any kind to the polls if you are currently registered to vote at your polling place! So do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Go vote!
2. Make sure you know where your polling place is. Perhaps the location has been moved since the last time you voted? Perhaps not.
Go here to check and make sure!
3. Again, NO PHOTO ID IS NEEDED TO VOTE TODAY if you are currently registered to vote.
If you are
not currently registered to vote, you can easily do so at your polling place. You will need to bring: a document – either hard copy or electronic (on your cellphone/tablet/laptop) – that proves you live within your voting district (e.g., a recent utility bill, bank statement, pay stub)
and either the number and expiration date of your Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card
or the last four digits of your social security number (only if you don't have a WI license/ID card).
4. If you need a free ride to your polling place, CC/WI has compiled a statewide listing of who you can contact to help you get to your polling place.
5. If you arrive at the polls and are asked to show photo ID, encounter other problems or have questions, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Election Protection’s highly-trained legal volunteers are available to assist voters with any questions or problems, no matter how simple or complex. Voters may call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) toll-free with any questions or issues that may arise. This English language hotline is available now and will be staffed live from 9AM– 8PM CST on Election Day. Spanish-speaking voters may seek assistance through the 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682) hotline.
Go Vote!
Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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For Release: Monday - November 3, 2014

We are just hours away from one of the most critical elections in Wisconsin's history – tomorrow,
Tuesday, November 4th.
Here are some important things to know and remember:
1. You do not need to bring an ID of any kind to the polls if you are currently registered to vote at that polling place! The United States Supreme Court blocked implementation of Wisconsin's misguided, extreme and restrictive voter photo ID law on October 9th for this election. So do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Go vote!
2. Make sure you know ahead of time where your polling place is. Perhaps the location has been moved since the last time you voted? Perhaps not.
Go here to check and make sure!
Again, NO PHOTO ID IS NEEDED TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4th (OR TO EARLY VOTE) if you are currently registered to vote. If you are
not currently registered to vote, you can easily do so on Election Day at your polling place. You will need to bring: a document – either hard copy or electronic (on your cellphone/tablet/laptop) – that proves you live within your voting district (e.g., a recent utility bill, bank statement, pay stub)
and either the number and expiration date of your Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card
or the last four digits of your social security number (only if you don't have a WI license/ID card).
Locate these materials
now, so you are not searching around for them on Election Day!
4. If you want to vote on November 4th and you need a free ride to your polling place, CC/WI has compiled a statewide listing of who you can contact to help you get to your polling place.
Are you (or is someone you know) willing to give someone a ride to the polls? Please let us know and we will add your/their contact information to the list!
5. Common Cause in Wisconsin is once again partnering with the nonpartisan Election Protection coalition, led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, to provide "guidance, information and help to any American, regardless of who that voter is casting a ballot for."
With the very recent U.S. Supreme Court's ruling blocking implementation of Wisconsin's voter photo ID law, we expect some confusion over whether or not voters will need to show an ID in order to vote. If you arrive at the polls and are asked to show photo ID, encounter other problems or have questions, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Election Protection’s highly-trained legal volunteers are available to assist voters with any questions or problems, no matter how simple or complex. Voters may call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) toll-free with any questions or issues that may arise. This English language hotline is available now and will be staffed live from 9AM– 8PM CST on Election Day. Spanish-speaking voters may seek assistance through the 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682) hotline.
Please spread this information around to family and friends, and make sure you vote on Election Day!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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For Release: Thursday - October 30, 2014
As we head into the final days and hours before one of the most critical elections in Wisconsin's history – on
Tuesday, November 4th – remember: YOU DO NOT NEED AN ID TO CAST A BALLOT IN THIS ELECTION IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY REGISTERED TO VOTE! The United States Supreme Court blocked implementation of Wisconsin's extreme and restrictive voter photo ID law on October 9th for this election. So do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Go vote!
Here are five more things you need to know and should pass on to family and friends:
1. The last day you can cast an absentee-in-person vote is Friday, October 31st (Halloween day) up until 5 PM or when your local municipal clerk's office closes, whichever is later. Hours vary – for example, the municipal clerk offices in Milwaukee and Madison will close at 7 PM on the 31st. To find out where you can early vote and to confirm your clerk's office hours, go to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board's
My Vote WI website and search for your voter record or do an address search. You can also access this
list of all Wisconsin municipal clerk's offices to get contact information in order to find out what hours you can cast an in-person absentee ballot on October 31st.
2. If you are planning to vote on Election Day (November 4th), make sure you know ahead of time where your polling place is. Perhaps the location has been moved since the last time you voted? Perhaps not.
Go here to check and make sure!
Again, NO PHOTO ID IS NEEDED TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4th (OR TO EARLY VOTE) if you are currently registered to vote. If you are not currently registered to vote, you can easily do so until close of business on October 31st at your municipal clerk's office or on Election Day at your polling place. You will need to bring: a document – either hard copy or electronic (on your cellphone/tablet/laptop) – that proves you live within your voting district (e.g., a recent utility bill, bank statement, pay stub) and either the number and expiration date of your Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card or the last four digits of your social security number (only if you don't have a WI license/ID card).
Locate these materials now, so you are not searching around for them on Election Day!
4. If you would like to early vote (by close of business on Friday, October 31st) or want to vote on November 4th and you need a free ride
to your polling place, CC/WI has compiled a statewide listing of who you can contact to help you get to your polling place.
Are you (or is someone you know) willing to give someone a ride to the polls? Please let us know and we will add your/their contact information to the list!
5. Common Cause in Wisconsin is once again partnering with the nonpartisan Election Protection coalition, led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

The primary goal of the Election Protection coalition is to provide "guidance, information and help to any American, regardless of who that voter is casting a ballot for."
With the very recent U.S. Supreme Court's ruling blocking implementation of Wisconsin's voter photo ID law, we expect some confusion over whether or not voters will need to show an ID in order to vote. If you arrive at the polls and are asked to show photo ID, encounter other problems or have questions, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Election Protection’s highly-trained legal volunteers are available to assist voters with any questions or problems, no matter how simple or complex. Voters may call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) toll-free with any questions or issues that may arise. This English language hotline is available now and will be staffed live from 9AM– 8PM CST on Election Day. Spanish-speaking voters may seek assistance through the 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682) hotline.
Please spread this information around to family and friends, and make sure you vote on or before Election Day!

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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Common Cause in Wisconsin Reform Update
Tuesday October 28, 2014
1. Tri-Partisan Support for "The Iowa Plan" in Wisconsin Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform
2. CC/WI Responds to National Conservative Columnist George Will's Recent "Hit" Piece on Wisconsin
3. Do You, Or Does Anyone You Know, Need Transportation to a Polling Place on Election Day?
1. As the November 4th election nears, support by state legislative and statewide candidates for reforming Wisconsin's current,

secret, expensive and hyper-partisan redistricting process with a transparent, cheap and non-partisan process such has been in effect in Iowa since 1981, has risen to 77! Thus far, 70 Democrats, 5 Libertarians and 2 Republicans have said they support and would vote for legislation that would institute an Iowa-type redistricting process to be in place for 2021 – the next time redistricting occurs.
To see the complete listing of supporters, go
2. Last week, George Will, the long-time, nationally syndicated conservative
columnist in Washington, D.C. launched a blistering attack on efforts to combat political corruption and illegal campaign activity in Wisconsin. Will's diatribe was factually incorrect and he failed to disclose his own personal interest in his point of view. CC/WI responded on our blog site here.
3. CC/WI has compiled the state's best comprehensive statewide listing of contacts for voters who may need transportation (at no cost) to and from the polls next Tuesday.

Go here to see this growing list of groups/volunteers.

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!
Intro only...
For Release: Wednesday - October 22, 2014
With less than two weeks remaining before Election Day, here’s a run down on some of the key things you need to know in order to vote on or before November 4th:

Early voting is available NOW!
If there is even the slightest chance you won’t make it to the polls on November 4th, don’t wait.
You can vote early at your
Municipal Clerk’s Office on weekdays until 5:00 p.m., or close of business (whichever is later) now through Friday, October 31st.
Remember: You do
NOT need a photo ID to vote.
Not already registered to vote at your local polling place? No problem.
You can register to vote in your municipal clerk's office
up until October 31st or on Election Day when you vote. Be sure to bring either the number and expiration date of your Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card or the last four digits of your social security number (only if you don't have a WI license/ID card) – AND a hard copy or electronic document (on your cellphone/tablet/laptop) that proves you live within your voting district (e.g., a recent utility bill, bank statement, pay stub).
For more information, check out this excellent Q&A article: “Voting in the Nov. 4 election” from the Wisconsin State Journal.
Are you (or do you know of) a college student looking for basic information about voting in Wisconsin?
CC/WI has developed a one-page fact sheet for students that you can download and print here.
Planning to vote on Election Day, but don’t have a ride to the polls?
We can help.
A number of groups are offering rides to the polls to help ensure that all eligible voters are able to cast a ballot. For more information, contact CC/WI by email or phone at 608-256-2686.
Interested in helping others get to the polls on November 4th?
Please let us know! We’ll put you in touch with others in your area who need a ride and/or with other groups coordinating rides.
How about volunteering as an Election Observer?
With the prospect of close races and potential confusion at the polls, volunteering to be a poll monitor is a critical way you can make a huge difference this election.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin tells us they are in most need of folks in Eau Claire, La Crosse, and Oshkosh. So if you live in one of these three communities, and can spare even a few hours on Election Day, contact the League ASAP! But remember, poll observers are still needed across the state – so please do volunteer wherever you live!
Once you sign up, the League provides everything you need to get up-to-speed in no time: online training, a reporting form, a polling place assignment and numbers to call on Election Day if you have a question or need to report a problem.
How to get started? Sign up using the League’s online Election Observer Volunteer Form.
It’s that simple.
And finally, please make your plan NOW to cast your vote on or before Election Day! Take a friend with you to vote, and volunteer if you can.
Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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For Release: Thursday - October 16, 2014
The twists and turns in the saga of the extreme and restrictive photo voter ID law in Wisconsin,
Act 23, appears to be settled, at least for the time up to and including November 4th - Election Day.
The U.S. Supreme Court's surprising (given its composition) but eminently correct decision last week to halt implementation of voter photo ID, because of the chaos and confusion ensuing in Wisconsin since its reinstatement by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on September 12th, means that Wisconsinites can and should vote as they always have before – without the impediment or burdensome hindrance that Act 23 was specifically designed by its architects to impose on the Wisconsin electorate.
This means Wisconsinites can vote this coming election the way they have voted for years: as citizens participating in and exercising their most fundamental democratic right without unnecessary requirements designed to suppress the vote of certain segments of the population in order to gain partisan advantage.
The nation's high court
did not pass judgement on voter photo ID itself. That will be decided after the election in all likelihood. And that battle will be joined then. But for now, there is no reason or excuse for any voter in Wisconsin who is eligible to vote, not to do so.
Without one of the narrow array of proscribed forms of ID called for in Act 23.
If you are already registered to vote at your local polling place, simply head to the polls on Election Day and vote – no ID required.
Or vote early at your local municipal clerk's office – you can do so from October 20th-24th or October 27th-31st.
What if you are not already registered to vote at your local polling place?
You can register to vote in your municipal clerk's office up until October 31st or on Election Day when you vote.
Be sure to bring a document – either hard copy or electronic (on your cellphone/tablet/laptop) – that proves you live within your voting district (e.g., a recent utility bill, bank statement, pay stub) and either the number and expiration date of your Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card or the last four digits of your social security number (only if you don't have a WI license/ID card).
Read this excellent voting rights guide from the ACLU of WI for more detailed information about voter eligibility, absentee/early voting, other forms of proof of residency, and more.
If you are (or know of) a college student looking for basic information about voting in Wisconsin, CC/WI has developed a one-page fact sheet you can download and print here.
And finally, just because voter ID has been blocked for the November 4th election, that does not mean that eligible voters are no longer in danger of being disenfranchised at the polls.
Help ensure that no eligible voters are denied the right to cast a ballot by volunteering to be an election observer.
Our friends at The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin provide everything you need to get up-to-speed in no time: online training, a reporting form, a polling place assignment and numbers to call on Election Day if you have a question or need to report a problem.
Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Election Protection is also looking for volunteer poll watchers. You can find out more by contacting their State Coordinator, Sheila Cochran by email or phone at 414-771-7070. Being an election observer is a simple way to make a huge difference. Please reach out to one of these two organizations and volunteer!
And remember, there is no excuse for you not to cast a vote on or before election day. Share this information with family and friends – and make sure that they exercise their right to vote as well.

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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For Release: Friday - October 10, 2014
U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Totally Unnecessary and Flagrantly Partisan Voter Photo ID for Now
Huge and wonderful (and unexpected) news for democracy, fairness and justice Thursday night! The United States Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 to block, for the upcoming November 4th election, the restrictive and extreme Wisconsin Voter photo ID law that was suddenly and erroneously reinstated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on September 12th!
This means Wisconsinites can vote this coming election the way they have voted for years: as citizens participating in and exercising their most fundamental democratic right without unnecessary and burdensome requirements designed to suppress the vote of certain segments of the population in order to gain partisan advantage.
Now, more than ever, there is no excuse for any eligible citizen not to cast a ballot on November 4th!
Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
Want Good Government?
Join Common Cause in Wisconsin!

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