Common Cause in Wisconsin Reform Update
Monday - December 30, 2013

Jay Heck – 608/256-2686
1. Year Ends on a Positive Note as Fitzgerald Says Assembly Bill 225 Lacks Sufficient Support
2. Support for Redistricting Reform in Wisconsin Beyond All Expectations
3. Wisconsin's Voter Photo ID Law Likely to Take Another Hit in Federal Court in Early 2014
1. It is always nice to end the year on a positive note -- and one of them was provided by State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) last

Thank you to all of the CC/WI members and other citizens who wrote or called your State Senators opposing AB 225. This victory is yours. Celebrate it!
2. At the beginning of 2013, redistricting reform was an issue that few citizens, other than hard-core political junkies, even knew about, let alone cared about. Now, as we enter 2014, the issue is huge and it is certainly the most prominent political reform issue in Wisconsin today. With the support of 15 Wisconsin daily newspapers, dozens of legislators and tens of thousands of Wisconsin citizens, it is an issue that will not only not go away, but it will also be an election campaign issue in 2014 that every state legislative and statewide candidate running for office this year will have to address.

As an election issue in 2014 -- this one is a winner. And it could be a killer for some who oppose reform.
3. Until North Carolina enacted its own photo voter ID law in 2013, Wisconsin's 2011 law, Act 23, was the most extreme and restrictive photo voter ID law in the nation.

We are cautiously optimistic that the decision will come down in favor of getting rid of Act 23. The integrity of voting in Wisconsin has never been proven to be anything other than stellar and among the highest level of integrity in the nation. That's how Wisconsinites are. Charges of widespread fraud, or even anything other than a couple of isolated incidents of a person voting who didn't realize they were unable to, are totally without foundation. Investigations of suspected fraud undertake by Attorney General JB Van Hollen and others after the 2004, 2008 and other elections have come up with nothing. There is no voter fraud in Wisconsin. Period. Exclamation Mark. End of Story.
We recently sent around our year-end appeal. We almost never do anything like this, so please take a look at it and consider whether CC/WI is worthy of your support. We hope you will conclude that we are.

Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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