Press Release
October 30, 2013
Political Reform Forum in Stevens Point on Monday Night
Draws Largest Audience Ever
Between 225 and 250 Citizens Assemble to Support Redistricting and Reforms
Draws Largest Audience Ever
Between 225 and 250 Citizens Assemble to Support Redistricting and Reforms
We have sensed for some time that Wisconsin citizens are not happy with the way their state government is functioning on a whole host of issues. Increasing numbers of citizens are "getting" that their voices don't count for much when they are in a non-competitive state legislative or congressional district.
More and more Wisconsinites every day are comprehending that the way in which Wisconsin legislative and congressional districts were drawn by hyper-partisan, expensive, and secretive Madison attorneys under the direction of legislative leaders in 2011 resulted in a rigged system in which very few voters have a real choice in general elections. We now have an unprecedented number of "safe" voting districts in Wisconsin where a citizen's vote doesn't mean very much because the result of the election is already preordained.
And because legislators have been given these safe seats, they can easily afford to be non-responsive to the concerns of many of their constituents.
Redistricting reform, and other critical political reform issues such as reducing the amount of special interest money in our elections, and voting rights being protected for every Wisconsin citizen were just some of the issues discussed Monday evening at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point during the most well-attended and energetic event in our six-year series of "reform forums."
We set up the room for 150 attendees, hoping we would draw nearly that number on an evening when a World Series game was on TV and the weather was chilly. Instead, citizens arrived in such large numbers that we had to bring in 75 more chairs -- and then accommodate even more people.
The panel of legendary former Congressman David Obey, State Senator Julie Lassa, State Representative Katrina Shankland, Common Cause in Wisconsin Chair Bill Kraus and Director Jay Heck and the great questions and comments from the audience -- moderated by UWSP Political Science Professor Dennis Riley, combined to result in our most electric reform forum ever!!
To see the complete forum on Wisconsin Eye, go here:
For other media coverage, go here, here, and here.
Get inspired to take back your government! We certainly were.
Jay Heck, Executive Director
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703