Common Cause in Wisconsin - In the News
May 2009
- Joint audiences of lawmakers review campaign finance legislation
Hear an excerpt from CC/WI tesimony at May 27th public hearing on campaign finance reform
May 28, 2009 - Shamane Mills, Wisconsin Public Radio News - WPR's Joy Cardin talks to the director of Common Cause in Wisconsin about a campaign finance hearing coming up this week
Listen to what CC/WI Director Jay Heck had to say about the historic public hearing on campaign finance reform in Madison and Eau Claire on May 27th and what Wisconsin can expect in the way of needed reform in the near future.
(Fast forward RealPlayer to 18:47 for beginning of interview.)
May 25, 2009 - Wisconsin Public Radio News - New Wisconsin Prosperity Network group would push GOP causes
May 9, 2009 - Mark Pitsch, Wisconsin State Journal
Federal and state law allows certain tax-exempt organizations to influence elections by getting voters to the polls, conducting public opinion polling and paying for thinly veiled campaign ads called “issue ads” — so long as they don’t coordinate their work with candidates or political parties.
But Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin, called the involvement of Jensen and Block “shocking and brazen.”
“If the conservative movement is looking for a new start, going back to guys like Jensen and Block doesn’t seem to be the right direction,” Heck said.
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