Common Cause in Wisconsin
Public Forum - Eau Claire
“What Ever Happened to Good Government
in Wisconsin?"
How We Can Fix It and Why It Matters During a Recession
Monday, April 20, 2009
Room 102 – Hibbard Humanities Hall – UW-Eau Claire
Garfield and Park Avenue - Eau Claire, WI
** Free and Open to the Public -- Light Refreshments will be Served **
Please come join in the discussion and learn more about:
Garfield and Park Avenue - Eau Claire, WI
** Free and Open to the Public -- Light Refreshments will be Served **
Please come join in the discussion and learn more about:
- Campaign finance reform — and why it is needed
- How money corrupts our elections, public policy, and the state budget process
- How we can clean up our disgraceful state supreme court elections
- How reform measures stop corruption and return power to the citizens of Wisconsin
Moderator: Professor Rodd Freitag – Chair, Political Science / UW-Eau Claire
State Representative Kristen Dexter of Eau Claire
State Senator Pat Kreitlow of Chippewa Falls
State Representative Jeff Smith of Eau Claire
Editorial Page Editor Tom Giffey of The Leader-Telegram
Executive Director Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin
Presented by: Common Cause in Wisconsin
(Underwritten by The Joyce Foundation)
Co-Sponsors: League of Women Voters of Wisconsin Education Fund, American Association of University Women - Eau Claire Branch, UW-Eau Claire Political Science Department, The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups
For more information: call Sandra Miller at (608) 658-2109