State Supreme Court Justice, State Superintendent of Public Instruction and a Constitutional Amendment are all on your ballot!
Voting in the 2025 Wisconsin Spring General Election is underway! Choose the best way to cast your ballot in this vitally important and nationally significant election:
1. At your polling location on April 1st,
2. With an absentee ballot by mail,
3. Or in person by absentee ballot at your clerk’s office or other officially designated area (aka “early vote”) which begins today (3/18).
Every election matters and this one in particular has huge ramifications for not only Wisconsin but for the entire nation as well. The whole world is watching what will happen in our state on April 1st. In addition to the choice for filling an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court which will determine its ideological majority, there is an important choice for the state Superintendent of Public Instruction, a constitutional amendment ballot question and local races have a direct impact on your daily life. These races may include elections for City Council, Village President, Judges, School Board, Mayor, and County Supervisor and others. (Find out what is on your ballot at vote and your voice matter even more in these Spring elections because voter turnout is generally lower than the fall elections and therefore those who vote have an even bigger influence in determining the outcome of state and local elections because of the generally smaller universe of participating voters. Your vote and your voice matter and will make a difference!
The nation and beyond is watching the election to fill the open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court because of its significant ramifications and consequences that will determine the direction our state will go in the years ahead. The very aggressive involvement and attempted domination of our state high court election by the richest person in the world - Elon Musk - with his millions of dollars in outside political money is a matter of grave concern to many of us here in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Examiner recently published my opinion editorial detailing why Musk has "invaded" Wisconsin and how it is up to the voters of our state to determine whether or not we will give our consent to this unprecedented interference in what has already emerged as the most expensive judicial election in the history of the nation.
Also, you should know there is a statewide ballot question that, if passed, will enshrine Wisconsin’s extremely restrictive and biased voter ID law into our state’s constitution. Common Cause Wisconsin believes this misguided ballot question should be rejected with a no vote. Photo ID is already law in Wisconsin and should not be embedded in the state constitution. You can read more about why it should not be enshrined in the constitution in a previous post from CCWI when we actively called upon the Wisconsin legislature to oppose ramming the partisan constitutional ballot measure through the Assembly and State Senate to place it on the April 1st ballot.
A few other things to know about voting in the General Spring Election:
Register to Vote: You must be registered to vote to cast your ballot in the April 1st Spring Election. You can register with your municipal clerk before Election Day or when you vote by absentee ballot during “early voting.” Or, in Wisconsin, you can register at your polling location on Election Day before you vote.
Bring Your Voter-Compliant Photo ID When You Go to Vote: Visit for more information about the types of ID that can be used to vote. Here, you can also learn about how to get a free ID to use for voting. VoteRiders can help with your questions or with the process of obtaining a state ID.
How to request an absentee ballot by mail: Go to and make a request to your municipal clerk for your absentee ballot to be sent to you by mail. In Wisconsin, any registered voter can vote absentee - no excuses needed. Request your ballot for the April election TODAY. The sooner you make your request, the more likely you are to receive and be able to send back your ballot in time for it to be counted. Be sure to follow the instructions when filling out your ballot and double check to make sure the ballot envelope is complete, including your witness's name and complete address. Remember, if you return your ballot in person, you must return your own ballot! However, voters with disabilities can have assistance when returning a ballot. (More information from the Wisconsin Election Commission.) If you still have your mailed ballot, please return it today. Many municipalities across the state have secure ballot drop boxes available for your ballot return. You can find out where your dropbox is located by going to and filling in your address information.
How to Vote In Person by Absentee Ballot: You can also go to to get information about in person voting by absentee ballot (aka “early vote”) including dates, times, and locations. Your municipal clerk’s office will also have this information and you can see how to contact them at MyVote as well.
On Your Ballot: Get to know who wants to represent you and which candidates best represent your values before you vote. Our friends at the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin have compiled resources on the State Supreme Court and State Superintendent of Public Instruction elections. Many local papers across the state will also publish candidate interviews for local elections prior to the election.
Rides to the Polls:
- Souls to the Polls is offering free round trip rides to the polls in Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha. Call their hotline 414-742-1060. You can call now to schedule your ride ahead of time for early voting (3/18 through 3/29) or on Election Day (Tuesday, 4/1)! Don’t wait until last minute to arrange transportation to your polling place!
- WI Disability Vote Coalition has resources listed on their website of agencies and counties that provide transportation for voting, with a focus on those who serve people with disabilities and older adults, including accessible transportation across the state. Many require advance notice.
Helping Students Vote: Wisconsin's younger and relatively new voters should be preparing to vote too. Here is important information from the Common Cause Wisconsin website to share: Three Things College Students Need to Do To Vote in Wisconsin. Remember, if you voted in November 2024 and still live at that address, you are already registered and the process to cast your ballot in April will proceed more quickly.
Have questions or need some assistance? Beyond the resources of your municipal clerk, help is just a call, text, or email away!
Voters with disabilities have the right to an accessible polling place, including using an accessible voting machine, getting assistance marking a ballot, and using curbside voting. Call the Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline for assistance: 1-844-347-8683. Or email: Additional online resources are also at the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition website.
Call or text Election Protection at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) for support from nonpartisan election protection volunteers with questions or to report problems.
Take the time to make a plan to vote in this vitally critical Spring Election! Return your mailed absentee ballot, fill out your ballot early in person, or go to the polls on Election Day, April 1st. Take today to ensure you’re ready to cast your ballot and your vote is counted.
On Wisconsin!
Jay Heck