Tuesday - June 9, 2015
Common Cause in Wisconsin (CC/WI) today is publicly calling for State Senator Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point) to postpone her fundraising reception, scheduled for Thursday, June 18th in Plover, until after the currently pending state budget bill is signed into law.
Late last month, CC/WI called on State Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) to postpone a fundraising reception she had scheduled in Madison because the state budget bill was still under consideration. Darling complied and postponed the event. CC/WI and many newspaper editorial boards have long favored prohibiting state elected officials from holding campaign fundraising events while the budget is being considered because it looks as though these events could be an opportunity for special interest groups and lobbyists to influence legislative decisions about the budget and they feed the public perception that state government is for sale. Since 1997, CC/WI has sought to prohibit such events, as Minnesota, Kansas, Georgia and a number of other "blue" and "red" states have done.
While such events are not illegal, they should be.
Accordingly, we call on State Senator Lassa to postpone her event until after the budget is signed into law.
And, if the budget is still in play on June 30th, we further call on the State Senate Democrats to postpone the fundraising event they have scheduled for June 30th in Madison.
We will monitor further developments in this situation and report back soon.

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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