Common Cause in Wisconsin
Public Forum - Milwaukee
What Ever Happened to Good Government in Wisconsin?
*** And How Should We Fix It? ***
Monday, January 25, 2010
Alumni Memorial Union, Room 227 – Marquette University
1442 West Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI
** Free and Open to the Public -- Light Refreshments will be Served **
Please come join in the discussion and learn more about:
1442 West Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI
** Free and Open to the Public -- Light Refreshments will be Served **
Please come join in the discussion and learn more about:
- Campaign finance reform and why it is needed - or not
- Public Financing – welfare for politicians? Or is it needed to make politicians beholden to citizens, not special interest groups?
- The disclosure and regulation of interest-group “phony issue ads” and other “outside” spending - is this necessary or would it stifle “free speech”?
- The new “Impartial Justice” Law and the lawsuits against it
- The need for redistricting reform in Wisconsin – why and how do we do it?
- Implications of the January 21st, 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision on corporate and union money in politics
Political Science Professer John McAdams of Marquette University
Former Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann
State Representative Jeff Stone (R-Greendale)
State Senator Jim Sullivan (D-Wauwatosa)
Executive Director Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin
Professor Barrett McCormick - Chair, Marquette Political Science Department
Presented by: Common Cause in Wisconsin
(Underwritten by The Joyce Foundation)
Co-Sponsors: Marquette Political Science Department, Marquette College Democrats, Marquette College Republicans, Marquette Democracy Matters, Marquette Pi Sigma Alpha, League of Women Voters of Milwaukee county, League of Women Voters Wisconsin Education Fund, The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups, Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans
To see a larger map with nearby parking, go here.
For more information: call Sandra Miller at (608) 658-2109